This summer, thousands of people across the UK will be skinny dipping to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and experiencing the exhilaration of being naked. They’ll improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing, gain body confidence and reduce stress. They’ll also have great fun!

On the website you’ll find loads of information about the GBSD, British Naturism and BHF, along with helpful FAQs. There’s an events calendar with a searchable list of all dips open to the public and a map of the country showing all the dips.

Don’t miss the blog, where we’ll post announcements of new venues and links to inspiring stories to help you feel good about getting involved. We’ll also talk about fundraising, and the work of our chosen charity.

The Downloads page provides everything you need for the GBSD. There’s a fundraising kit, a skinny dip poster template, and risk assessment forms for event-hosters. There are images for pimping up your Facebook page.

What will make the GBSD a fantastic success is having lots of events around the country.

So we’re looking for people who have available venues. That means you, leisure centre managers, Naturist club members, swimmers, and anyone else with access to a body of water suitable for dipping.

We also need people who want to organise events but don’t have venues.

On the “Host a Dip” page on the website you’ll find everything you need for registering and hosting an event or for finding an appropriate venue. We’ve included information to help you deal with potential concerns from venues.

So jump in! Be a host, take part in an event, raise money for BHF. The only thing you’ve got to lose is your clothes.