Have you ever seen a card game which showed off the true diversity of humankind in its natural form?

A party game that you could play with people and show them the diversity of the nude form?

A party game so easy your kids could join in and learn to accept the nude form, encouraging positive body images as they grow up?

That’s what TJ, one of the founders of Table Candle, the makers of this card game told BN magazine when we asked him about it. He also told us that the ground-breaking move of showing full nudity caused some problems. “Our first printer refused to print it. The second agreed but at a prohibitive cost. Our third printer, The Game Crafter, is a great company that does not believe in censorship as long as you are playing within the rules. We expect as it becomes more popular we might get hit, but the Candle’s flame can never be blown out forever. As long as we have a wick and wax, we will burn bright.” Quite.

Sunburnt is based on a Victorian card game called “Uninvited Guest” and the idea is to pair up the pictures on the cards by taking a card from your opponents’ hand and trying to pair it with one of the cards in your own. The nude pictures on the cards were drawn by a member of the Marvel Comics team, Iolanda Zanfardino.

One review of the game said “This is the most body positive and inclusive game I’ve ever played/ owned. The art is amazing and I’ll be proud to play this with my family and friends. Thank you for creating such a wonderfully inclusive game that champions the beauty and uniqueness of the bodies we all own!”

thegamecrafter.com/games/ sunburnt