If you’re keen to get out and enjoy the sunshine as nature intended, there’s plenty of opportunity over the next few weeks with Covid-secure events hosted by a variety of people and groups around the country.

Keep an eye on both of our event listings sites for more! events.bn.org.uk bn.org.uk/calendar

17th June – Walk with Naturist Ramblers, Arundel, West Sussex

20th June – Guided walk across Morecambe Bay, Lancashire/Cumbria

20th June – a visit to Fullers Mill Gardens, Suffolk

21st June – Naturist Walk, nr Aylesbury

22nd June – Walk with Naturist Ramblers, Ashdown Forest

23rd June – a visit to Dorothy Clive Garden, Shropshire

25th June – Walk with Stark Trekkers, Hastings

27th June – a trip to the Big Bear Cider Tour, Essex