Nude resorts, naturist camping sites and naturist clubs around the world display many stickers on their front. Tripadvisor,, local naturist federation stickers, and a lot of other stickers. One sticker that is often overlooked in the greater picture is the certification sticker from INF-FNI.

What does the INF-FNI certification sticker mean?

The main difference between all the marketing clutter on the front window and the INF-FNI certification sticker is, that simply by displaying the INF-FNI sticker, the resort commits itself, promises to its customers, that this resort is totally committed to abide by a set of internationally recognized naturist conditions. In particular, that the resort commits itself to provide a non-sexual environment where naturist of all ages and their children can safely practice true naturism. The resort should not put up this sticker if they are not truly committed to abide by these conditions.

It is a quality mark that this location guarantees to uphold these international naturist standards.

So what can you expect of a resort that display the coveted INF-FNI sticker?

When you see the INF-FNI sticker, you are guaranteed that this naturist resort will ask any visitor to present a valid INF-FNI Membership card or enroll by the reception in the local INF-FNI affiliated club. You are also guaranteed to be offered the same discount or other benefits for the duration of your stay that the resort offers members of the local INF-FNI affiliated naturist federation. If you do not have a membership, the sticker guarantees that this resort is authorised to issue an INF-FNI card in your name whereby you become a member of the national federation and thereby will likewise be committed to uphold and defend the same non-sexual naturist lifestyle.

The sticker also guarantees you that this resort will do its best to maintain a good naturist spirit within its premises and provide a safe place to bring your family for a true naturist experience as described above.

In order to receive and to maintain the certification, approved resorts strive to ensure the compliance with the quality criteria. Contrary to the non-certified accommodations, these certified resorts “own and earn” their quality label. That way a certification means an added value, whereby the accommodation becomes more interesting for more naturists to visit and will appeal to a wider range of guests who wants to try and understand the values of true naturism.

Guests at naturist accommodations avoid, in mutual respect of each other, harassment of other guests (including noise, indecent acts, taking unwanted pictures or violations of hygiene rules). Without any doubt, some behaviors are part of such harassment by their clearly sexual character. As a criterion one may consider whether an action subordinates the well-being and the physical or mental integrity of a person to the satisfaction of sexual or erotic needs of another person.

Definition: “Indecent actions are all actions of any kind, which violate the valid legal and
social ethical norms in the country of the certified accommodation. “

The owner of a naturist accommodation informs the guests about these house rules and ensures their compliance (by information and warnings). The owner takes appropriate actions when after an adequate warning guests still continue to harass other people (expulsion from the site).

The certification is intended for “naturist accommodations”. This refers to all types of accommodations intended for naturists (clubs, camping grounds, hotels, holiday apartments, parks, etc.). The certification only applies to the respective accommodation and its associated terrain. Accommodations and grounds for which the owner is not responsible (e.g. neighbouring public naturist beaches) are not covered by the certification.

In order to be considered for a certification, the owners of naturist accommodations not only must respect these criteria, but also must ensure compliance with them. They must take all necessary measures, should employees, management or guests (after a warning) not comply with the naturist criteria. They must make sure that the naturist criteria are respected. In most cases appropriate information to or admonitions of the guests respectively the staff should be sufficient. In extreme cases guests will be expelled from the site, resp. the owner will have to check whether his employees are qualified for their tasks.

This year, the INF-FNI will distribute the stickers for the years 2022-2023 to the recognized resorts and clubs directly – 2 stickers per location – and by putting the stickers in a prominently visible location, the resort promises to uphold the international and national standards for naturism.

Look for the sticker – in your own interest!