Avid readers of the latest BN Magazine will be aware of A Year in the Life – Adventures in British Subculture by Lucy Leonelli, a new book to be published next week in which Lucy charts her experiences with a variety of UK-based groups and activities. One chapter is dedicated to her visit to the British Naturism weekend at Alton Towers.
I’ll be interviewing Lucy on next week’s The Forum Live – 17th January.
Lucy Leonelli is a self- proclaimed social tourist with an unquenchable thirst for exploring, experiencing and understanding the world’s most colourful subcultures and communities. Born in Bristol, she lived in London for a decade before moving to California in search of the sunshine. She now runs executive recruitment for a technology firm in Silicon Valley and lives in Berkeley, California, with her husband Mathieu, their sons Fox and Archer, and T-Rex the corgi. A Year in the Life – Adventures in British Subculture is published by Unbound.