Our friends at the French equivalent of British Naturism, Federation Français de Naturism (FFN) have launched a new campaign – #stopbodyshaming.

We asked the FFN’s Eric Stafanu to tells us all about it…

BN: Can you give us an overview of the campaign?

FFN: The main activity is a social media campaign with posters and photos talking about the diversity of bodies, acceptance of them and to advocate for nudity. We want to show that people should not be ashamed of their bodies and their nudity. A photo exhibition will be hosted throughout 2021 and 2022 by naturist clubs and associations in France, but also in venues outside Naturism for the enjoyment and education of the general public. Finally, a press day will be organised in Paris as soon as the health situation allows.

BN: What prompted you to launch the campaign?

FFN: In the media, there is a rising wave of women’s groups protesting against “body shaming” or reading the smear campaigns against actresses who have put on weight or are thinner on social networks. When the world raves about the fact that a large luxury brand shows a model size 40 (Size 7 in the UK) when the average size of French people is much higher, we can say that some institutions are disconnected from the realities and impose unattainable standards for normal people. This leads to frustration and negative psychological outcomes such as anorexia or bulimia.

So who better than naturists to talk about ‘body-positivity’! we’ve been practicing it for decades! There is no judgment others in our community. In fact, there is acceptance, benevolence, acknowledgement that we are all different. We felt it was time to show these values o the general public. What better way to do it than to show naked women and men without artifice, to illustrate on the diversity of the human body?

BN: What results are you hoping for?

Our aim is to generate a national, social debate on the acceptance of the human body, non-judgment of a person’s physique, the freedom of the body in the face of social, religious or fashion requirements and also to show that simple nudity is beneficial for society. Let the journalists pick up on these themes, let the newspapers disseminate the photos and testimonies. I hope people will realise that being a naturist isn’t just about sunbathing naked by the sea, but that there are important values that go with it.